Inspiration — April 2023

Someone Like You Believe Turn Up Odd Fellows Dotin Boomerang Microsoft Vincent Schwenk Edinburgh at Night Nuria Boj Outer Limits Crinimo Studio SAMSUNG WEEK 2022 Arcade Lungs & You – The Journey Amanda Russell Hale Center Orem Theater Posters Leonard Dupond Got you thinking? If you’ve got a project in mind that you’d like… Continue reading Inspiration — April 2023

Inspiration — March 2023

Bromance Talented designer with a great passion for dynamic character design. Yuri Ceriani Rave I loved the most iconic and fluid style of illustration that helps the brand stand out in the row of Energy Drinks. Anastasiia Kulchytska Kawai Elf Sweet and friendly character perfectly created by Oceane Pesset. Galaxy Skateboarder Graphical illustrations with cartoonish… Continue reading Inspiration — March 2023

Inspiration — March 2023

Saito I loved the combination of simplified abstract 3D and 2D shapes with smooth transitions perfectly made by Hernan. Duolingo Superfluid and smooth transitions beautifully made by Esteban Gonzalez Eye of Creation As Natalie said ” a short film exploring the tension between sounds and shapes “. Kids Help Line I really liked the simplified… Continue reading Inspiration — March 2023